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What to paint, 2017 

My living place in New York Brooklyn

Urine and extraction

Why would artist purchase others creation but not creating their own colour paint? I eat the purple cabbage that I plant and egg that I pet from, for blue. I eat beet that I plant, for red. I eat vitamin B complex for maintenance my art life and yellow. I use my blood to paint.




為什麼藝術家會購買他人創作(顏料製造商)而不是創作自己的色彩? 我吃了我種植的紫甘藍和我從寵物那裡得到的雞蛋,為藍色。 我吃甜菜,我種植紅菜頭。 我吃維生素B複合體 (詳細請看作品"Is art harmful to artists?")維持我的藝術生活和黃色。 尿液會從血經過腎臟抽取水份排出,我以我身體流出的血繪畫。

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